Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

I'm crazy about those boys

Hi this is Duezuk Chavenkov who's lately watched Super Junior dramas. PVs, CFs, and their shows in televison (such as EHB, starking, etc)...

But, i still figure it out that was i really became an ELF??? Since i'm not join some ELF groups or ELF association, i can't be named as an ELF right??? i really don't know. But i loved them... mwahahahahahhahahaha....
So, I'm fancy of them, they just gave me a big laughter to my ordinary life...
Muahahahahahhahaha... just watched them on my monitor makes me wanna go to South Korea... hahahhahahahhahaha

I hopes they will visit my country in SuShow3.... *maybe i will watch, maybe*
From Siwon to Teuki, but NOW back to Siwon again.... mwahahahahhahahhaaa...

I really want Yamaha Fino.... hahhahahahahahah
Because Super Junior CF's.. muahahahahahahaha... Siwon was so so so so Gorgeous ...
I'm still downloading EHB....
OK... i'm new fans HERE.......

4 komentar:

  1. BONAMANA??????????wakakakakakkakkk

  2. Nape lw tawa nis??? Bonamana itu judul lagu barunya heheehehehehehehehehehehehehe

  3. oohhh....klo bona kemana tuh apaan??? :D

  4. bona kemana apaan dah?? gw baru denger....
    Bona itu nama gajah dimajalah bobo, temennya rongrong *makin gak nyambung* bwahahhahahahahaha
