Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

The coffee, the cold, and the wifi

Hi this is duezuk chavenkov who's been away from her own country and her parents ...

How's people doing? Hope everyone is in good condition this day ... 
I can't describe how I missed my parents so bad, it's been several months, I've been away from my home... 
Just hopes that time will run faster, so I could go home again ... 

Back to Alaska again, back to the cold air, back to my old memory ... 
 See? The ice mountain, I took this picture on Skagway, Alaska 
It's freezing cold :( but its fun to get there again... 
And this is me, hahahahahaha... Make some silly face while digging some free wifi and cappuccino :) mantapssss ... Hehehehehe 
That's still me I guessed hahahaha, I took this picture in Ketchikan, Alaska after eating too much in Chinese restaurant, and did some walking with my friends :) 
See, I wore the same clothes every time I go out hahahahahaha doh 
That's the game I like the most right now, farm up... Feel like crazy if I don't played it in a day :p 
So, that's it from now, I will posting about my journey to Asia and Africa soon, I need to do something about my camera and etc ... 
Still how silly am I ... :p 

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Hi ini duezuk chavenkov yang lagi prihatin dengan masalah banjir di Jakarta ...

Keep praying for my own country, my own capital city of Indonesia...
Semoga bencana ini cepat berlalu...

Rencananya mau nulis banyak, tapi perut ternyata konslet hehehehehe, jadi saya pamer foto aja ya hahahahahahahahaa....  

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Hi this is duezuk chavenkov who's been several months not updating her blog....

Welcome Indonesia....
Welcome home...

Gak terasa udah 1 bulan lamanya berada dirumah, banyak yang berubah, tapi kemacetan di ibukota tetep makin nambah parahnya hahahahahaha....
Apa kabar kalian? Semoga baik-baik saja ...

Seperti biasa hari ini hujan terus melanda, tapi nikmatnya luar biasa hahahahaha bersyukur aja ya kawan...

Balik ke indonesia, berarti balik ke rutinitas, rutinitas saya simpel kok, hahahahahaha back to jobless back to jomblo again....

Yudah deh, saya mau pamer foto-foto aja ya hahahahahahahahahahaha

Bajunya itu-itu mulu ya saya, hahhahaha padahal itu lokasinya di dua tempat yang berbeda di Juneu dan skagway,alaska ....
Ya maklumm, cuma bawa baju musim dingin dua saja... hahahhahahahaha
Udah dulu ya... petirnya gede-gede banget ....
