Hari ini,,, nonton dorama Hanakimi,,,trus makan,,, tidur... HAhahahaha kegiatan gw sehari-hari itu aja,,gimana gak melar tuh tubuh? hahahahaha... biarpun berat badan menanjak pesat,, tapi tetep gak melakukan olahraga... hahahahha... Malas banget deh gw....
#nowplaying Hana Ni Nare by Flumpool
Kecanduan abis ama Flumpool... gile,,, Liriknya mantapsssss....
Begini nih arti dari lagu Hana Ni Nare,,, gw ambil dari JpopAsia.com
Breath also dies out along the road loop line
underneath the faded stars and dark sky
I wonder since when I've started looking for
my individuality and the recipe of the way of life
That lost thing called magnificence
I'll go get it back, The worn out dream
just as I buried it in the sand in my childhood
I dedicate this song to me 10 years later
Laugh, cry, sing, become a flower
be in full bloom and one day overflow with radiance
No matter how impatient I get, I'll definitely react
without worrying about the future
I called your name so many times it can't be counted
I wonder if you're smiling somewhere
Our voice that we released into the night sky
disappears within the hustle and gently wraps around us
The repeating days have become unpleasant
shall we try shining more splendidly?
Even if blossoms fall, rather than eternally blooming dry flowers
let's become wholehearted cherry blossoms
Laugh, cry, sing, and become a flower
Blossom fully, then one day overflow your radiance
No matter how impatient I get, I'll definitely react
without caring about the future
I called your name so many times they can't be counted
that warmth lingering in the palm of my hand
Our voice that we vowed back then disappears into the hustle
and petrifies in the city that I was in with you
Before I realized it I became scared of getting hurt
Still as a flower bud, I'm always looking for a shining place
tomorrow as well for sure
How far do I need to go so we can laugh together?
Freedom, hope, dreams I wonder, are they as wonderful as I think?
Are they glittering as much as I think?
(Holding) the future inside this heart
I called your name so many times it can't be counted
I wonder if you're smiling somewhere
Our voice that we released into the night sky
disappears within the hustle and gently wraps around us.
Adohhhhhhhhhh.... makin gila aja ama Japanese boy itu!!!!!
Sebelum tidur,,, ritual yang gw lakukan adalah dengan mengkhayalkan Miura HAruma beserta cowok2 Jepang yang lain... hahahahahahahahahahahaha -_____-
dasar orang aneeeeehhhhh......
ngayalnya ga bokep kan du? hahahaha....