First, maybe you'll getting confused with that title above, but i just took those words from flumpool's songs...

It's Gary from Sponge bob squares pants *laugh* He's snail by the way, i'm not uploading the "real" snail because it's disgust me *sorry snail :( * CLICK
I don't know why 'snail' appeared in flumpool song 'hydrangea'... what the connection between hydrangea and snail??? i wish i could knew better, but according to the lyric, i thought the snail needed hydrangea for shelter or because the snail is thirsty so, you know, plants are watery... *crap, i really don't understand*
I give up...
But i thought the whole lyric in hydrangea is about "keep smiling, whatever you choose, move forward or just stayed where you stand now... because it's just still you. The world keep on turning"

When i heard it, i don't even knew that plants are exist *sorry biology is NOT my favorite lesson*
I feel sorry from my lack knowledgement, truthfully i heard this plant from Harry Potter Book series. So when i knew flumpool song, i reread those harry potter book again, and googling it. Voila... What a really beautiful flowers... no wonder aunt petunia planted those flowers in Privet Drive No.4 :D
Yeahhh maybe in my next blog i will try to explain about something that not bored the reader *LOL*
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