Senin, 26 April 2010
Just a Note...
Hi this is Duezuk chavenkov who obsessed with coffee in her whole life...
Nothing important to reported, i just want to write a few words
Is everyone having a good Monday???
It's already the end of the month, another day just passed...
Ahhhhh... Why i feel alone??? ( ryuuta-kun mode on) *laugh*
One of my collage friend had gotten married, and he not invited me or others... i dunno why...
Yeah,, hopefully he married happily ever after (i don't even knew he had a girlfriend!!) *what is my business by the way, I'm being impolite here, sigh*
I must get married someday *smirk* with Amakawa Genki or Ryuuta Yamamura *get punched*
Sabtu, 24 April 2010
My Heart is going to numb!!!

(i need the rain fall to my head)
Hi this is Duezuk Chavenkov whose her phone stopped to ring (it's mean no one call or text her) *laugh*...
Hmm... the things were so complicated in my tiny brain, i think too much i guessed, but a lot of things happened. I don't know what should i write, but i don't have anything else to do to night beside of getting bed *smirk*
My social network really pissed me off, sometimes just read peoples update make you feel so bothered. They wrote a corny up date or something that unimportant or whatever they said that makes you feel so distracted. But it's Free. anyone could speak up right??? it's just me who being so pushy or drowned in my tiny world.
I got syndrome friendhater right Now, i felt i want to fired her as a friend.
Sound like a corny problem *sigh*
Ok... i loose everything about you, you didn't talked to me, neither did I ...We were separated by our world... Sometimes i hoped that our time from past get back in present... but since i don't have doraemon or time turner, it can be helped...
I miss how i could talk to you freely...
I miss our conversation in the garden, and we always forgot the times...
I miss your advice about our belief...
Back at those times, i talked to you most everything, anything inside my heart...
and Now everything is not the same...
Maybe i'm the one who makes all ruined, and now i couldn't fixed it...
My false at the end... just blame me!! :(
My social network really pissed me off, sometimes just read peoples update make you feel so bothered. They wrote a corny up date or something that unimportant or whatever they said that makes you feel so distracted. But it's Free. anyone could speak up right??? it's just me who being so pushy or drowned in my tiny world.
I got syndrome friendhater right Now, i felt i want to fired her as a friend.
Sound like a corny problem *sigh*
Ok... i loose everything about you, you didn't talked to me, neither did I ...We were separated by our world... Sometimes i hoped that our time from past get back in present... but since i don't have doraemon or time turner, it can be helped...
I miss how i could talk to you freely...
I miss our conversation in the garden, and we always forgot the times...
I miss your advice about our belief...
Back at those times, i talked to you most everything, anything inside my heart...
and Now everything is not the same...
Maybe i'm the one who makes all ruined, and now i couldn't fixed it...
My false at the end... just blame me!! :(
Jumat, 23 April 2010
Welcome to the world
Selamat datang Bayi...
Bayinya my lovely sister Fransiska Amalia Natalie dengan Medy Triyanto...
Ini diaaaaaaaa.... (buat mas ulung.. kamu jadi kakak... hoeeee hoeeee... jgn nenen lhoo) *melotot*

Ahhhh gak sabar buat menimang-nimang anakku sayang... hihihhhihihiihi...*ngaku-ngaku*
Bayinya my lovely sister Fransiska Amalia Natalie dengan Medy Triyanto...
Ini diaaaaaaaa.... (buat mas ulung.. kamu jadi kakak... hoeeee hoeeee... jgn nenen lhoo) *melotot*
Ahhhh gak sabar buat menimang-nimang anakku sayang... hihihhhihihiihi...*ngaku-ngaku*
Kamis, 22 April 2010
Hi this is Duezuk Chavenkov who felt extremely bored...
First, maybe you'll getting confused with that title above, but i just took those words from flumpool's songs...

It's Gary from Sponge bob squares pants *laugh* He's snail by the way, i'm not uploading the "real" snail because it's disgust me *sorry snail :( * CLICK
I don't know why 'snail' appeared in flumpool song 'hydrangea'... what the connection between hydrangea and snail??? i wish i could knew better, but according to the lyric, i thought the snail needed hydrangea for shelter or because the snail is thirsty so, you know, plants are watery... *crap, i really don't understand*
I give up...
But i thought the whole lyric in hydrangea is about "keep smiling, whatever you choose, move forward or just stayed where you stand now... because it's just still you. The world keep on turning"

When i heard it, i don't even knew that plants are exist *sorry biology is NOT my favorite lesson*
I feel sorry from my lack knowledgement, truthfully i heard this plant from Harry Potter Book series. So when i knew flumpool song, i reread those harry potter book again, and googling it. Voila... What a really beautiful flowers... no wonder aunt petunia planted those flowers in Privet Drive No.4 :D
Yeahhh maybe in my next blog i will try to explain about something that not bored the reader *LOL*
First, maybe you'll getting confused with that title above, but i just took those words from flumpool's songs...

It's Gary from Sponge bob squares pants *laugh* He's snail by the way, i'm not uploading the "real" snail because it's disgust me *sorry snail :( * CLICK
I don't know why 'snail' appeared in flumpool song 'hydrangea'... what the connection between hydrangea and snail??? i wish i could knew better, but according to the lyric, i thought the snail needed hydrangea for shelter or because the snail is thirsty so, you know, plants are watery... *crap, i really don't understand*
I give up...
But i thought the whole lyric in hydrangea is about "keep smiling, whatever you choose, move forward or just stayed where you stand now... because it's just still you. The world keep on turning"

When i heard it, i don't even knew that plants are exist *sorry biology is NOT my favorite lesson*
I feel sorry from my lack knowledgement, truthfully i heard this plant from Harry Potter Book series. So when i knew flumpool song, i reread those harry potter book again, and googling it. Voila... What a really beautiful flowers... no wonder aunt petunia planted those flowers in Privet Drive No.4 :D
Yeahhh maybe in my next blog i will try to explain about something that not bored the reader *LOL*
Hi, this is Duezuk Chavenkov who's listening Tsumasaki by Ore Ska Band...
Hmm... my best friend asked me that did i had a copycat. For a minute or two i couldn't understand what she talked about, I'm not a novelist or writer, why would someone copycat me? that was my thought. I asked her what she meant by a copycat. She said a copycat is someone who copying your act, your style, your hobbies, your things, and etc, and these peoples are embarrassing you.
First she did not mind for sharing her knowledge (it's includes:hobbies,style, even a social networking) with her copycat, but at last her copycat began to follow everything that she did. and it's annoy her like in Hell.
Whoaaa... i don't know but i thought maybe it's just like being a chase with a stranger .. or maybe not ... This is too much scary...
Well, since i don't have any copycat, i don't know how it feel.
Maybe if i were my best friend, i couldn't help but to started giggles or maybe felt annoyed a bit.
Lets just said that she(copycat) were a fan and we were a great great actress ROFLOL
Hmm... my best friend asked me that did i had a copycat. For a minute or two i couldn't understand what she talked about, I'm not a novelist or writer, why would someone copycat me? that was my thought. I asked her what she meant by a copycat. She said a copycat is someone who copying your act, your style, your hobbies, your things, and etc, and these peoples are embarrassing you.
I couldn't find the definition in Wiki :(
I don't have a copycat, that was my answer. *'m.not.that.famous.LOL*
Then she talked about her copycat (ZOMG... she's already have one!!!). It's interesting story, hahahhahahahaha. She said that her copycat is someone who have related blood with her *i can't give you a name, it's a secret i never tell... xoxo Gossip Girl* (laugh)...First she did not mind for sharing her knowledge (it's includes:hobbies,style, even a social networking) with her copycat, but at last her copycat began to follow everything that she did. and it's annoy her like in Hell.
Whoaaa... i don't know but i thought maybe it's just like being a chase with a stranger .. or maybe not ... This is too much scary...
Well, since i don't have any copycat, i don't know how it feel.
Maybe if i were my best friend, i couldn't help but to started giggles or maybe felt annoyed a bit.
Lets just said that she(copycat) were a fan and we were a great great actress ROFLOL
What!!!!! n Why????
Duezuk Chavenkov is here...
That word just spread through my mind, i don't even have any idea, not a question but a word that expressed my shocking condition...
am i being bully???
Bullying???me??? I'm not in the high school for your information. So why that question so bothering me and i couldn't stopped to think about it. *sighed* i better check the Wiki :(
That word just spread through my mind, i don't even have any idea, not a question but a word that expressed my shocking condition...
am i being bully???
Bullying???me??? I'm not in the high school for your information. So why that question so bothering me and i couldn't stopped to think about it. *sighed* i better check the Wiki :(
Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person (Besag, V. E. (1989) Bullies and Victims in Schools. Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press)
Click Here
According to Canadian educator Bill Belsey, it:
Click Here
According to Canadian educator Bill Belsey, it:
...involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, blogs, online games and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.
—Cyberbullying: An Emerging Threat to the Always On Generation-Maybe i'm not being bully but that person just being rude for me, i don't know WHY!!!
Arrrrgggghhhhhhh... I'm so so so so so so so so agitated...
Arrrrgggghhhhhhh... I'm so so so so so so so so agitated...
Rabu, 21 April 2010
Oke i've got it!!!!
Yap... mungkin ini hanya perasaan saya aja kali ya... hhahahhahaha... Tapi saya memutuskan untuk melihat, membaca, dan menonton saja... No comment-comment an lah... dari pada bikin puyeng sendiri... Gak usah dikomenin lagi Du, biarin aja!!! Apa mungkin bahasa saya tidak dimengerti oleh mereka. Ya baiklah kalau begitu...
Selasa, 20 April 2010
I Won't
Hello this is Duezuk Chavenkov who's can't stopped listening Colbie Caillat's songs...
It's 2009 songs by the way, but i really could not remove them from my playlist, i heart them...
Everyone is familiar with Colbie Caillat, isn't???
Since i'm so crappy for introducing something *laugh* i'll give the link about her :
Here (Her official Website)
and you can follow her on twitter

( a very beautiful girl >___< )
She's so pretty and her vocal is very unique, She did the duet with Jason Mraz in "Lucky". She did her debut on 2007, with her single "Coco". Not just being a singer, she is a song writer ,pianist, and guitarist from Malibu *sound like a barbie right? she's blonde too : ) * . She wrote a song for Taylor Swift "Breathe"... Awesome!!!
Her first album "Breakthrough" was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album in 52nd Grammy Award!!! (Yeahhh).
"I wont" is my favorite song, let's check the lyric:
Lyrics to I Won't :
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said (no)
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
Cause when it took my heart
It took it all
When you gave it back
I fell apart
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
My friend
I won't...
Well, maybe you're not right for me
Maybe this is hard to see
I get lost in your beauty
And I just stop questioning
Cause when you took my heart
You took it all
When you gave it back
It fell apart
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...
You say it's easier to burn than to build
You say it's easier to hurt than to heal
But I say you lose when you give up what you love
And I've lived my life without you long enough
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...
No, I won't...
[ I Won't Lyrics on ]
Oke, i've got to go... it's lunch time... Yeahhhhh...
Happy lunch time ^_______^
Everyone is familiar with Colbie Caillat, isn't???
Since i'm so crappy for introducing something *laugh* i'll give the link about her :
Here (Her official Website)
and you can follow her on twitter

( a very beautiful girl >___< )
She's so pretty and her vocal is very unique, She did the duet with Jason Mraz in "Lucky". She did her debut on 2007, with her single "Coco". Not just being a singer, she is a song writer ,pianist, and guitarist from Malibu *sound like a barbie right? she's blonde too : ) * . She wrote a song for Taylor Swift "Breathe"... Awesome!!!
Her first album "Breakthrough" was nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album in 52nd Grammy Award!!! (Yeahhh).
"I wont" is my favorite song, let's check the lyric:
Lyrics to I Won't :
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said (no)
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
Cause when it took my heart
It took it all
When you gave it back
I fell apart
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
My friend
I won't...
Well, maybe you're not right for me
Maybe this is hard to see
I get lost in your beauty
And I just stop questioning
Cause when you took my heart
You took it all
When you gave it back
It fell apart
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...
You say it's easier to burn than to build
You say it's easier to hurt than to heal
But I say you lose when you give up what you love
And I've lived my life without you long enough
I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...
No, I won't...
[ I Won't Lyrics on ]
Oke, i've got to go... it's lunch time... Yeahhhhh...
Happy lunch time ^_______^
Senin, 19 April 2010
Duezuk Chavenkov is here....

Dua orang yang bikin gw tenggelem di kolem yang namanya 'flumpool'
(ki-ka) Ryuuta Yamamura, Genki Amakawa
Oia,,, kemaren ada gosip yang membuat hati gw retak *bahasa najis*
tersiar gosip bahwa Genki Amakawa tengah berkencan dengan seorang aktris Amuse, inc yang bernama Yoshitaka Yuriko (bentar gw nangis dulu... huuuuu huuuu huuuu ...) *digetok*
Bisa liat beritanya CLICK me
Tapi di hari yang sama, melalui Blog flumpool, Genki Amakawa membuat statement menanggapi gosip itu,
Genki bilang kalo dia cuma berteman baik sama Yoshitaka, dia meminta maaf kepada fans dan member yang lain. Genki dan Yoshitaka dikabarkan terlihat jalan bareng dan makan malam bersama, setelahnya keduanya dikabarkan pergi ke apartemen Genki (OH NOOO) sekitar pukul jam 9 malam, dan yoshitaka baru meninggalkan apartemen itu sekitar pukul 9 pagi keesokan harinya....
Genki bilang sih mereka lupa waktu karena semalaman bermain games Mario ...
Jujur saja (cieelahhh bahasanya bung), gw gak demen ama Yuriko Yoshitaka karena gw liat actingnya di tokyo dogs kurang menarik,, intinya gw gak suka :P punya firasat buruk ketika flumpool dan yoshitaka muncul berbarengan di acara Bokura no Ongaku (2009.07.03), yang mewawancarai Flumpool saat itu yuriko dan ketika ditanya diantara ke-4 personil flumpool, yuriko memilih genki ... nah firasat gw emg agak buruk tuhhh...
eh kan bener dia digosipin ama yoshitaka....
Kalo sama cewek lain sih gw aminin deh,,, asal jangan sama Yoshitaka... *Beuh segitunya*
Sempet kucewa juga pas denger gosip ini... sempet absen selama beberapa jam buat dengerin lagu-lagu flumpool *halah*...
Tapi biarlah Genki mau jadian ama siapa saja, asal manusia, berjenis kelamin perempuan, dan mencintai Genki apa adanya, itu bisa gw terima *sinetron banget si*...
hahahahahaaaaaa.... yang pasti apapun yang terjadi gw tetep ngedukung flumpool... YEAHHHHH....
Pokoknya tetep eksis lho flumpool, inget kalian punya fans di sini,, bukan cuma di jepang... :D
Satu kata yang membuat hidup gw menjadi bergairah dan bersemangat adalah fangirling... hahahahaha*geblek*
Tapi beneran serius.... suerrrrr...
Semenjak bertemu dengan sebuah band asal jepang yang menamakan diri mereka "flumpool" gw jadi semangat untuk berfangirling ria.... bwahahahahahaha, i don't care what peoples will say, i just do what i want to do.
Ahhhhh... pokoknya keren deh, kalian harus dengerin lagunya, liat muka-muka personilnya... sangat menyejukkan mata... hahahahahahaaaaa
Satu kata yang membuat hidup gw menjadi bergairah dan bersemangat adalah fangirling... hahahahaha*geblek*
Tapi beneran serius.... suerrrrr...
Semenjak bertemu dengan sebuah band asal jepang yang menamakan diri mereka "flumpool" gw jadi semangat untuk berfangirling ria.... bwahahahahahaha, i don't care what peoples will say, i just do what i want to do.
Ahhhhh... pokoknya keren deh, kalian harus dengerin lagunya, liat muka-muka personilnya... sangat menyejukkan mata... hahahahahahaaaaa

i'm fancy of them... ahhhhh lucu kan?lucu kan? hahahahahhhahahaha....
JAtuh cinta pertama kali sama sang vokalis (kuping kelinci) mukanya cute banget,,,
ahhhhhh seneng seneng seneng...Dia itu mirip gw karakternya *digetok* ehehehehehehe...
Eh pas lama kelamaan karena keseringan baca blognya si bassist a.k.a Genki Amakawa (paling kanan) gw jatuh cinta ama dia >______<... Kakkoiiii... *drools*
Genki Amakawa orangnya unik *kayak kenal aja*, agak2 sarap *diguyur*, terus weirdo, terus cakep, terus lucu, Halahhhhh lebaii amat gw... *ini blog corny banget sehh* yang nulis lagi sarappppp....
POkoknya must listen and see them dehhh..
Recommended banget dibanding anak-anak Jhonny Jimusho*dipacul fangirl Jhonny's* beda aliran dah,,, bukan boiband yang nari-nari gitu...
Mereka(flumpool) pake alat (alat musik maksudnya), suaranya sumpah kerennn mau live atau Di PVnya suaranya gak beda... ASELI BAGOESSSSSSS...lagu2nya juga bervariasi oldies ala beatles, rock menggebrak *apasi*, pop menye-menye (baca:easy listening) juga ada... kerennn dahhhh pokoknya...
Apalagi Cover Ep mereka "unreal" SUMPAH bikin mimisan kalo ngeliatnya....hahahahahahahahhaaaaa
Cinta dah ama mereka... sumpah suer mampus....
JAtuh cinta pertama kali sama sang vokalis (kuping kelinci) mukanya cute banget,,,
ahhhhhh seneng seneng seneng...Dia itu mirip gw karakternya *digetok* ehehehehehehe...
Eh pas lama kelamaan karena keseringan baca blognya si bassist a.k.a Genki Amakawa (paling kanan) gw jatuh cinta ama dia >______<... Kakkoiiii... *drools*
Genki Amakawa orangnya unik *kayak kenal aja*, agak2 sarap *diguyur*, terus weirdo, terus cakep, terus lucu, Halahhhhh lebaii amat gw... *ini blog corny banget sehh* yang nulis lagi sarappppp....
POkoknya must listen and see them dehhh..
Recommended banget dibanding anak-anak Jhonny Jimusho*dipacul fangirl Jhonny's* beda aliran dah,,, bukan boiband yang nari-nari gitu...
Mereka(flumpool) pake alat (alat musik maksudnya), suaranya sumpah kerennn mau live atau Di PVnya suaranya gak beda... ASELI BAGOESSSSSSS...lagu2nya juga bervariasi oldies ala beatles, rock menggebrak *apasi*, pop menye-menye (baca:easy listening) juga ada... kerennn dahhhh pokoknya...
Apalagi Cover Ep mereka "unreal" SUMPAH bikin mimisan kalo ngeliatnya....hahahahahahahahhaaaaa
Cinta dah ama mereka... sumpah suer mampus....

Dua orang yang bikin gw tenggelem di kolem yang namanya 'flumpool'
(ki-ka) Ryuuta Yamamura, Genki Amakawa
Oia,,, kemaren ada gosip yang membuat hati gw retak *bahasa najis*
tersiar gosip bahwa Genki Amakawa tengah berkencan dengan seorang aktris Amuse, inc yang bernama Yoshitaka Yuriko (bentar gw nangis dulu... huuuuu huuuu huuuu ...) *digetok*
Bisa liat beritanya CLICK me
Tapi di hari yang sama, melalui Blog flumpool, Genki Amakawa membuat statement menanggapi gosip itu,
Genki bilang kalo dia cuma berteman baik sama Yoshitaka, dia meminta maaf kepada fans dan member yang lain. Genki dan Yoshitaka dikabarkan terlihat jalan bareng dan makan malam bersama, setelahnya keduanya dikabarkan pergi ke apartemen Genki (OH NOOO) sekitar pukul jam 9 malam, dan yoshitaka baru meninggalkan apartemen itu sekitar pukul 9 pagi keesokan harinya....
Genki bilang sih mereka lupa waktu karena semalaman bermain games Mario ...
Jujur saja (cieelahhh bahasanya bung), gw gak demen ama Yuriko Yoshitaka karena gw liat actingnya di tokyo dogs kurang menarik,, intinya gw gak suka :P punya firasat buruk ketika flumpool dan yoshitaka muncul berbarengan di acara Bokura no Ongaku (2009.07.03), yang mewawancarai Flumpool saat itu yuriko dan ketika ditanya diantara ke-4 personil flumpool, yuriko memilih genki ... nah firasat gw emg agak buruk tuhhh...
eh kan bener dia digosipin ama yoshitaka....
Kalo sama cewek lain sih gw aminin deh,,, asal jangan sama Yoshitaka... *Beuh segitunya*
Sempet kucewa juga pas denger gosip ini... sempet absen selama beberapa jam buat dengerin lagu-lagu flumpool *halah*...
Tapi biarlah Genki mau jadian ama siapa saja, asal manusia, berjenis kelamin perempuan, dan mencintai Genki apa adanya, itu bisa gw terima *sinetron banget si*...
hahahahahaaaaaa.... yang pasti apapun yang terjadi gw tetep ngedukung flumpool... YEAHHHHH....
Pokoknya tetep eksis lho flumpool, inget kalian punya fans di sini,, bukan cuma di jepang... :D
My Dinner
Hey everyone, this is Duezuk Chavenkov who being pushed to eat a pan of Spinach...*i'm not Popeye*

Since i'm not being fancy with a lot of vegetables, my mother cooked these about 3 times a week. It's like being a punishment for me *LOL*, but our body needed it. Well, is not that bad, i ate them by the way. Honestly, i'm not that type of person who interested in vegetables, i was a very picky kid. hahahahahahahahaha...
Talking about spinach the things that popped in my mind is Popeye. "Popeye the sailor man,, tut tut" hahahaha

*claps* it's him, everyone, i'll introduce Popeye the sailor man...tut...tut *i have being corny here*
Did you know the origin and history of spinach? if you didn't, feel free to CLICK me
Health benefit of spinach CLICK
Spinach is rich source of vitamin A and C, an anti-aging vegetable,etc... u could read in link above.
So everyone, Lets eat spinach and others vegetables to make you more more more healthy...
Since i'm not being fancy with a lot of vegetables, my mother cooked these about 3 times a week. It's like being a punishment for me *LOL*, but our body needed it. Well, is not that bad, i ate them by the way. Honestly, i'm not that type of person who interested in vegetables, i was a very picky kid. hahahahahahahahaha...
Talking about spinach the things that popped in my mind is Popeye. "Popeye the sailor man,, tut tut" hahahaha

*claps* it's him, everyone, i'll introduce Popeye the sailor man...tut...tut *i have being corny here*
Did you know the origin and history of spinach? if you didn't, feel free to CLICK me
Health benefit of spinach CLICK
Spinach is rich source of vitamin A and C, an anti-aging vegetable,etc... u could read in link above.
So everyone, Lets eat spinach and others vegetables to make you more more more healthy...
Minggu, 18 April 2010
Hi.. this is Duezuk Chavenkov who is Extremely Happy...
It's all because of this :

And What this is by the way??this is a CD *laugh*

Yeah does anyone knew them??? if you're not, I'll explain a bit... Okay everyone this is flumpool, they're a band from japan *claps* I'm not so good for introducing things -___-;... so here's links about them:
flumpool official website flumpool blog
Or do you want to listen their song, giving them support, gossiping them *my fav part*, or you want to become a Big Big fans of flumpool,, joint their community in Live Journal.
flumpool_ko Simple_Robot
Yeahhhhh... but dont forget to support them with buy their ORIGINAL CD....*very well said*
I knew there was official fans of flumpool called POOLSIDE, but i couldn't joined because it just for japanese peoples... ;( and i couldn't speak japanese hahahahahahahhahah, poor me.... Ok enough for now... ahhhh i almost forgot, there's a hot gossip between flumpool bassist and actrees from Amuse, inc
Check this
Reading those articles makes me want to push Genki Amakawa to eat a ton of cucumbers *ROFLOL*
Happy reading, gossiping, downloading, commenting, and browsing :D

It's all because of this :
And What this is by the way??this is a CD *laugh*
Yeah does anyone knew them??? if you're not, I'll explain a bit... Okay everyone this is flumpool, they're a band from japan *claps* I'm not so good for introducing things -___-;... so here's links about them:
flumpool official website flumpool blog
Or do you want to listen their song, giving them support, gossiping them *my fav part*, or you want to become a Big Big fans of flumpool,, joint their community in Live Journal.
flumpool_ko Simple_Robot
Yeahhhhh... but dont forget to support them with buy their ORIGINAL CD....*very well said*
I knew there was official fans of flumpool called POOLSIDE, but i couldn't joined because it just for japanese peoples... ;( and i couldn't speak japanese hahahahahahahhahah, poor me.... Ok enough for now... ahhhh i almost forgot, there's a hot gossip between flumpool bassist and actrees from Amuse, inc
Check this
Reading those articles makes me want to push Genki Amakawa to eat a ton of cucumbers *ROFLOL*
Happy reading, gossiping, downloading, commenting, and browsing :D
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